Strategy Service

At JATMON, we are poised to step into any IT-related concern and offer our expertise, but also understand the value of building a solution from the ground up. That is why we are proud to offer our strategy services to companies looking to either start a business or redesign the way they use IT. Our expert team will listen to your needs and work with you to devise a working strategy and implementation timeline, all within your budget and with little to no disruption of business productivity.

Why IT Strategy Matters

One of the biggest obstacles that impacts a business's growth scalability is its IT infrastructure. Technology in today’s business market is continually evolving. This requires a certain amount of nimbleness in strategic alliance with your technology partner. This ensures that your business needs are met without compromise to your operational requirements and efficiencies.

Whether that growth is heightened security measures, paving the way for remote workers, doubling computer workstations, or adding phone solutions JATMON can help your business reach its goals. We will talk with you to determine what resources you are currently using, what your immediate and long-term needs are, make recommendations for improvements. When you work with our team to create a custom IT strategy, you will get peace of mind knowing you are always ready for success.

Why IT Strategy is Affordable

Like many business components, piecemeal or "band-aid" solutions often come with painful price tags. The "cross that bridge when you come to it" mentality may work for a small handful of things, but your IT infrastructure isn't one of them. The costs -- both actual and opportunistic -- of hastily adding on software and hardware scale up sharply, leaving business owners with no affordable options. However, a well-applied IT strategy plans for these eventualities and allows modern Pinellas-area businesses like yours to stay nimble, lean and within budget.

Why IT Strategy is for All Businesses

While the term IT often brings mental images of large, busy office buildings, don't be fooled: it's a must-have for any business that's serious about its growth and future continuing to serve its customer base. From small medical and dental offices to larger corporate headquarters, JATMON has strategy planning solutions to align with your needs. If you're ready to get serious about your approach to IT and want a trusted, experienced ally, call our team to get your business IT strategy started today!